Opening Company Registration 2024
The company registrations for the twenty-ninth edition of Delft Career Days open on Thursday September 28!
The company registrations for the twenty-ninth edition of Delft Career Days open on Thursday September 28!
The same successful formula refreshed with a new look and feel. The largest technical career fair in the Benelux continues as the Delft Career Days (DCD)!
From the end of September 2023 you can register your company for the 2024 edition of De Delftse Bedrijvendagen (then called Delft Career Days). Only companies that have received an invitation can register.
The dates for the 2024 edition of De Delftse Bedrijvendagen are known. You can find them here.
The Coffee Dates have started! From 27-31 of March, the Coffee Dates take place at the restaurant Pavarotti in Delft.
The registrations for the 2023 edition of 'De Delftse Bedrijvendagen' are closed.
Today marks the third and last day of the Orientation Days of 'De Delftse Bedrijvendagen' 2023 in the Aula Conference Centre.
Today marks the second day of the Orientation Days of 'De Delftse Bedrijvendagen' 2023 in the Aula Conference Centre.
Today marks the first day of the Orientation Days of 'De Delftse Bedrijvendagen' 2023 in the Aula Conference Centre.
Navigating a fair can be quite tricky. Even more so when it is difficult knowing the do’s and don’ts in Dutch business culture. Here are some tips:
How do you make sure your CV stands out on a huge pile of CV's?
Three Golden Rules to get you started on writing a CV/Resume
Are you a tech student and would you like to participate in the largest technical career fair in the Benelux? Sign up now!
Do you want your company to participate in the largest technical career fair in the Benelux? Please contact us!