For companies

Show yourself to talent from Delft

Meet TU Delft students at the largest technical career fair of the Benelux

Delft Career Days, in short DCD, is the largest technical career fair of the Benelux since 1996. With four main events, DCD offers a unique chance to students and companies to meet and greet in a casual way. Yearly, over three thousand of ambitious master students from the Delft University of Technology search for a graduation assignment, internship, or a job. Therefore, DCD is the perfect way for companies to present themselves to both orientating and applying students.

The events of DCD

DCD starts with the Application Trainings, where students receive tips and tricks on job applications from experts of your company. From writing an application letter up to preparing for a job interview. At the Orientation Days, which form the heart of DCD, the acquaintance between TU Delft students and more than 150 companies starts. Found some matches? Use the Coffee Dates as the ultimate opportunity to have a more in-depth conversation, one on one. The In-house Days form a pleasant end of DCD. Welcome students at your company’s workplace and show them all the ins and outs.

It all starts at the largest technical career fair of the Benelux!

  • Get to the attention of more than 3000 talented TU Delft students.
  • Help students to develop and improve their job application skills.
  • Get access to the resumes of the participating students.
  • Have one on one conversations with interested students.