Company information

  • Company name
  • Industry
  • Available on Delft Career Platform

Facts & figures

  • Employees in the Netherlands
  • Employees worldwide
  • Number of academics in the Netherlands
  • Number of countries
  • Number of internships and/or graduation projects available

Event participation

  • Application Trainings
  • CV Checks
  • Orientation Days
  • Coffee Dates
  • In-house Days


Note that the text below might not be translated to the preferred language.

Company profile

Every day more than 1.2 million people and 100.000 tons goods use the railway tracks through The Netherlands. Therefor we need a solid infrastructure. That is what we do at ProRail. At the same time we create beautiful stations, arrange a safe allocation of passenger and freight trains. We take care that all trains arrive safely and in time, which is a challenging job on one of the busiest railways in the world. Work that continues 24/7 and asks a lot of responsibility of all of our employees. Work we do together, for the Netherlands.
This responsible job needs innovative technologies. We want to connect cutting-edge technologies with technology that dates back to the 50’s. You can find our innovation in our timetable development, simulation, serious gaming, PLC and interlocking. Our ingenious railway system combines the highest activity on the tracks with a tangled and knotted railway structure. To maintain the best quality of our railway we use the newest technology and IT. We measure everything and use all the data to constantly improve and renew our approach.
To be groundbreaking we need to invest in our employees. So we offer all of our employees a great variety of training and development. Our people experience a lot of freedom, autonomy and trust. That gives them the opportunity to get the best out of themselves. At ProRail you can make a difference with your creative ideas and fresh approach. Our strategy leads to mobile and independent employees. So they can achieve their goals in their career and can help us realize our ambitions as an organization.
Get on board and discover your value for ProRail and The Netherlands!
Although this text is in English, we only hire Dutch speaking employees.

Student profile

We staan open voor aanpakkers, die een beetje lef hebben. Studenten die met frisse ideeën komen en graag de verbinding aangaan met de mensen van ProRail. Studenten die het belangrijk vinden om een mooie bijdrage te leveren aan de maatschappij. Ben jij dat? Check dan de vacatures voor stages op

Career opportunities

We hebben vele mogelijkheden bij ProRail. Van stages & traineeships tot startertsfuncties. Heb je interesse? Check dan de vacatures op

Application procedure

Je kunt solliciteren via een openstaande vacature op Dan hoor je snel of jouw achtergrond past bij de beschikbare stageplaats.