Company information

  • Company name
    Noria | Sustainable Innovators
  • Industry
  • Available on Delft Career Platform

Facts & figures

  • Employees in the Netherlands
  • Employees worldwide
  • Number of academics in the Netherlands
  • Number of countries
  • Number of internships and/or graduation projects available

Event participation

  • Application Trainings
  • CV Checks
  • Orientation Days
  • Coffee Dates
  • In-house Days


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Company profile

Noria is working on sustainable, affordable solutions to the plastic waste problem in inland waters; from the city to the sea. For this reason, we developed the 3R-method; Research, Remove, and Reduce.

In the Research step, we map out the locations where plastic can be collected and use several techniques to monitor the plastic flux in the waterways. In the Remove step, we remove the plastic debris from the water with our energy-efficient and fish-friendly systems. By removing the plastic waste and using it for prevention and mitigation strategies, we make sure to Reduce the plastic pollution in water.

In this way, Noria hopes to solve the plastic waste problem in water in 10 years and wants to ensure that there is no more work (also for Noria herself) in this business. And then we will tackle another problem!

At Noria we work together in a social team and combine working on meaningful projects and having a great time at your job.

Student profile

Since you will work at a scale-up you should be feeling very comfortable to work in a flexible and dynamic environment. You are eager to come up with new design (and business) ideas. Everybody in our company is innovative on the technical and the business side, so we are looking for a strong personality who can come up with new brilliant ideas!

You will be working in a purpose-driven team. You can be an important part of our journey since we are at the very beginning of this new impact adventure! A unique opportunity to help build a new company with a very social team with many team activities! Will you organize our next team event? 😊

Career opportunities

We offer highly motivated students:
- Internships and/or Graduation Projects
- Starter positions (possible after summer and depending on new projects)

Application procedure

The hiring process for an Intern and/or Graduation project student is:
1. Resume + Motivation letter
2. Interview 1

The hiring process for a starting position
1. Resume + Motivation letter
2. Interview 1
3. Case
4. Interview 2
5. Job Offer