Company information

  • Company name
    NN group N.V.
  • Industry
    Financial Services
  • Available on Delft Career Platform

Facts & figures

  • Employees in the Netherlands
  • Employees worldwide
  • Number of academics in the Netherlands
  • Number of countries
  • Number of internships and/or graduation projects available

Event participation

  • Application Trainings
  • CV Checks
  • Orientation Days
  • Coffee Dates
  • In-house Days


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Company profile

NN Group is an international financial services company, active in 11 countries, with a strong presence in a number of European countries and Japan. With all its employees, the Group provides retirement services, pensions, insurance, banking and investments to approximately 20 million customers.
At NN, our purpose is to help people care for what matters most to them. We put our resources, expertise, and networks to use for the well-being of our customers, the advancement of our communities, the preservation of our planet, and for the promotion of a stable, inclusive, and sustainable economy.

Student profile

We aim to make financial services more personal and relevant for our customers, which is why we need people like you: people who care about others, who are used to taking initiative and responsibility and who don’t give up until they succeed. Together we can make a difference. In a working environment where your personality, talent and ideas really matter. We're looking forward to meeting you!
Backgrounds include but are not limited to studies such as mathematics, engineering, physics and management.

Career opportunities

- Internship
An internship is the perfect way to discover what is really important in your future career and where you want to develop yourself. Are you looking for a challenging internship in a multifaceted organization where people are the most important part? At NN you’ll have the opportunity to be a full-fledged member of our team. On a regular basis we have (graduate) internships at mbo-, hbo-and wo-level.

- Starter position
For graduates NN has multiple opportunities for jobs in business units such as IT, Marketing, HR, Finance, Risk or Investments. Discover our starting possibilities on our website. You can apply all year round. Contact the recruiter listed on the vacancy if you have any questions.

- Traineeship
As an NN Group trainee, we will give you the tools to become a future leader at NN. With this traineeship you can choose two different tracks with a duration of two years: Tech, Finance & Risk and Business & Transformation. Within your track, you will do three different rotations, making sure that you work at different departments and meet many new people. Parallel to your work you will follow an intensive personal development program, where you will discover your talents and develop your personal leadership.

Application procedure

Take a look at our website for the full overview of our application process:

We are happy to tell you all the details about our selection procedures during the Delft Career Days! See you there!