Company information

  • Company name
    Huisman Equipment bv
  • Industry
    Marine Technology & Offshore
  • Available on Delft Career Platform

Facts & figures

  • Employees in the Netherlands
  • Employees worldwide
  • Number of academics in the Netherlands
  • Number of countries
  • Number of internships and/or graduation projects available

Event participation

  • Application Trainings
  • CV Checks
  • Orientation Days
  • Coffee Dates
  • In-house Days


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Company profile

We are Huisman. We design and manufacture heavy construction equipment for the world’s leading companies in the renewable energy, oil and gas, civil, naval and entertainment markets. Our products range from Cranes, Pipelay Equipment, Drilling Equipment and Winches, to Vessel Designs and Specials.

The history of Huisman is one of setting new industry standards. Of making impact, since 1929. With step changing technical solutions that vary from stand-alone components to highly engineered integrated systems. From concept to installation and lifetime support.

In these times of transition, our passionate workforce and worldwide production, service & sales facilities make us equipped for impact.

Want to know more about us? Visit and enter our world.

Student profile

Bachelor / Master degree, preferably in a technical area:
- Aerospace Engineering;
- Applied Earth Sciences;
- Computer Engineering;
- Computer & Embedded Systems Engineering
- Complex Systems Engineering and Management;
- Embedded Systems;
- Electrical Engineering;
- Engineering and Policy Analysis;
- Energy Technology;
- European Wind Energy;
- Management of Technology;
- Materials Science & Engineering;
- Mechanical Engineering;
- Marine Technology;
- Offshore & Dredging;
- Robotics;
- Sustainable Energy Technology;
- Systems & Control.

Career opportunities

There are countless opportunities at Huisman.
We will work with you to map out your career path and find out where your natural abilities lie.

Application procedure

The best way to apply for an internship, graduation project or a job is via our website / Careers
The cover letter is important to us! It tells us why you are particularly well suited to this role and what attracted you to the company. Based on your motivation we will check internally if there are any potential assignments available that are of your interest. If your profile matches, you will be invited for a job interview. If this resulted in a positive interview, you will have a profound meeting with the manager. After a positive final evaluation, you will be offered a contract.