Company information

  • Company name
    Heerema Marine Contractors
  • Industry
    Marine Technology & Offshore
  • Available on Delft Career Platform

Facts & figures

  • Employees in the Netherlands
  • Employees worldwide
  • Number of academics in the Netherlands
  • Number of countries
  • Number of internships and/or graduation projects available

Event participation

  • Application Trainings
  • CV Checks
  • Orientation Days
  • Coffee Dates
  • In-house Days


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Company profile

Heerema has been solving challenges for over 60 years. With four of the world's largest crane vessels, including the innovative Sleipnir that has a 20,000 MT lifting capacity and runs on emission-reducing fuel, we have built a reputation for excellence, innovation, and safety.

Our portfolio of achievements includes a record-breaking lift of 17,000 MT in a single lift, being the first offshore contractor to install wind turbines offshore, and removing over 500,000 MT of decommissioned oil and gas platforms from our oceans. However, our journey is far from over, and we welcome you to join us in creating waves of your own at Heerema!

Student profile

We look for student's personal statement expressing their commitment to sustainability, dedication to making a positive impact on people's lives, and enthusiasm for learning and contributing to the field. From the very beginning, we want you to feel the same pride that our colleagues, some of whom have been with us for over forty years, feel. Together, we care for the environment and believe that sustainability isn't just a corporate initiative; it's a collective responsibility. Our people are what are most important to us, and keeping them, and the environment they work in, safe and healthy is of the highest priority. We are looking for people who have that same mindset. We are seeking highly motivated and passionate students, interns, and recent graduates who embody a strong learning mindset, a commitment to sustainability, and a genuine care for people.

Career opportunities

At Heerema, we understand that it's the people who make a project and company successful. Our 'Wave Makers' are at the forefront of innovation. Regardless of your role, you have the power to make a lasting impact. We empower you to embrace relentless experimentation, create your own career path, and challenge the status quo.

Joining Heerema is not just about starting a job; it's a career journey where you will learn and grow, not just professionally, but personally as well. We encourage you to innovate and push the boundaries of what's possible in our industry. We invite you to make waves in the industry and transform the impossible into reality.

Next to making the impossible possible, you will have plenty of time to know your colleagues through social events like Friday afternoon get-togethers, Young Heerema events, and our yearly ski trip.

Will you join us in making new waves?

Application procedure

During your application process you will have an interview with our Talent Finders. To get to know you even better, we ask you to complete an assessment in which we gain more insights in the way you approach challenges and utilize your skills, providing both you and your future team with a more comprehensive understanding of each other. When we both think it is a good match, we will make you a formal offer and eventually welcome you as one of our new Wave Makers!