Company information

  • Company name
    Flow Traders
  • Industry
    Financial Services
  • Available on Delft Career Platform

Facts & figures

  • Employees in the Netherlands
  • Employees worldwide
  • Number of academics in the Netherlands
  • Number of countries
  • Number of internships and/or graduation projects available

Event participation

  • Application Trainings
  • CV Checks
  • Orientation Days
  • Coffee Dates
  • In-house Days


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Company profile

Flow Traders is a principal trading firm founded in 2004. We are a leading global technology-enabled liquidity provider, specialized in Exchange Traded Products (ETPs). Flow Traders is at the intersection of finance, cutting-edge technology and scientific research. We are able to grow our organization further, thereby ensuring that our trading desks in Europe, the Americas and Asia provide liquidity across all major exchanges, globally, 24 hours a day. Financial markets have rapidly shifted from trading in the pit to algorithmic trading, and our business model has made us an entrepreneurial and competitive firm in the FinTech space. We use our principal technology platform to quote bid and ask prices in thousands of ETP listings. We are also active in other asset classes such as bonds, FX, cryptocurrencies and similar financial products. On top of that, we provide liquidity to institutional counterparties off-exchange across all regions!

Flow Traders stays ahead of the competition by focusing on technology and niche competencies in markets where every second counts. This requires access to the best information and the ability to respond instantly. To achieve this, our team of software developers works in partnership with experienced traders to identify and execute tomorrow's strategies, making Flow a daily pioneer in professional trading.

Student profile

Your profile as a Graduate Trader:

University degree and a demonstrable interest in trading
Understanding of financial products
Knowledge of Excel any other coding language is a pre.
Innovative & creative high potential with excellent mental arithmetic skills
Ability to reason logically and deliver under pressure
Ability to spot opportunities and the assertiveness to seize them
Maximum of three years' work experience
Competitive, outgoing, communicative, creative and able to deliver under pressure
Excellent English communication skills

Your profile as a Graduate Software Engineer:

Master degree in Computer Science or Mathematics, received before the start date of the program
Strong interest in software development, by preference C++ or Java
Strong affinity to the finance industry, preferably trading
Strong communication skills.
Ability to take ownership and work in teams
Any commercial or entrepreneurial experience in software development during studies or after finishing them
Participating in code competitions / camps is an advantage
Proven experience in working in projects during your studies
Demonstrable competitive nature and winner's mentality, e.g. through winning Mathematics Olympiads, Chess tournaments
EU citizenship

Career opportunities

We have four positions for Graduates: Software Developer, Trader, Quantitative Researcher, Trading Operations Engineer.

As a Trader or Trading Intern you will gradually take on more responsibilities. You can become an expert on the desk, go into Quant Trading or Tech Trading. You can become Head of Desk or even Head of Trading. Or you might be interested in working in our office in New York or Hong Kong.

As a Software Engineer you will follow a 7 months traineeship and work on 3 different projects. 2 of these projects are given to you by Flow Traders the third you will have to create yourself, since we believe your ideas will be a great asset to our company.

Application procedure

Assessment process for Graduate Trader & Trading Intern:

After receiving your CV and convincing cover letter through our website, the recruitment process exists of the following steps:

A numerical test
Motivational & technical interview
Final round interview: case study

Assessment process for Graduate Software Engineer:

A speed coding challenge.
A case study done at our Amsterdam Office in groups, solving the cases with other candidates. A jury will observe the groups looking for excellent Tech skills and competencies.
Final interview the day after the case study rounds.