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    TU Delft
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  • Beschikbaar op Delft Career Platform

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1. Impact for a better society at a top international university

A top international university with world class colleagues

At the TU Delft you work at a top university in an international environment, surrounded by talented people with a fascination for science, design and technology. We use this fascination, along with our expertise and talents to contribute to the challenges facing our world. Think of climate change and the energy transition, but also better and more affordable healthcare, clean water and sanitation. We do this with our research, the development of technological solutions and the education of the engineers of the future. And by being the front runner in sharing science and providing online education. ‘Impact for a better society’ isn’t our motto for no reason.

You could also contribute to this: being a scientist and teacher or as a colleague in one of the supporting functions such as HR, Finance or IT. The TU Delft is the oldest technical university in the Netherlands and with 25,000 students and more than 7000 colleagues, also one of the biggest regional employers. Within our eight faculties, unique laboratories, research institutions, research schools and central support organisation we offer an exceptionally broad range of functions. So, there is a good chance that there could also be a new challenge for you!

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2. Open international community with multidisciplinary teamwork

More than a fifth of our students and more than the half of our scientific staff come from outside of the Netherlands. The TU Delft attaches great value to openness. We are the front runner in the field of open education and science. TU Delft stimulates multidisciplinary team work between colleagues of different scientific disciplines and different university services. The TU Delft also intensively collaborates with other universities (e.g. Erasmus University Rotterdam and the University of Leiden) in the field of education and science. We work in diverse collaboration in the Netherlands, Europe and globally. Scientists also collaborate widely with businesses and societal organisations. Various companies are located on campus and students and scientists receive help with starting and scaling up a knowledge-intensive company. At the TU Delft we work according to our values: Diversity, Integrity, Respect, Engagement, Courage and Trust. Together, the first letters create the word DIRECT. We are also fairly direct in our manner. We point out what goes well and what can be improved, and sometimes, in our enthusiasm, we do so without taking sensitivities or feelings into account. We have an egalitarian way of working and want everyone to experience the intellectual freedom to contribute.

A safe and inclusive working environment

An important condition to focus as much as possible on your work and development is that you feel safe and comfortable in your working environment. We find it important that everyone feels at home and valued regardless of race, age, ethnicity, sexual preference or disability. And that mutual differences are accepted. Only then will talents blossom and space be made for innovation and creativity. In addition, a good reflection of society ensures that we can better understand societal issues and can therefore are better at solving them. The office of Diversity & Inclusion helps the organisation to continuously pay attention to this. We also have a TU Delft code of conduct that everyone who is part of the TU Delft community must adhere to. There are various active associations and networks that you, as a colleague, can join or that the TU Delft collaborate with:

DEWIS, the network for female scientists at the TU Delft
True U, the Lesbian, Homosexual, Bisexual and Transgender (LHBT) network for staff members at the TU Delft
Werkse!, employer of the Delft region
CESAER, an international non-profit association of prominent European technical universities and technical high schools
Workplace pride, the international platform for LGBT inclusivity at work
UAF, a foundation that supports refugees in study and work
Scholars at Risk, a fund that is committed to study and work for higher educated refugees
A safe and inclusive working environment at TU Delft starts with honest and transparent recruitment and selection of new colleagues. Therefore, in addition to its own code of conduct, TU Delft follows the 'NVP Recruitment Code', a code of conduct drawn up by the The Dutch Network for HR-Professionals (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Personeelsmanagement en Organisatieontwikkeling. By following the ground rules in this code of conduct we aim to provide a clear application procedure, and you can count on equal treatment and a fair chance. If you unfortunately experienced an application procedure as unpleasant or have a complaint about an application procedure in which you are or were involved, you can make this known verbally or in writing to the dean or the management of the department to which the vacancy belongs.

TU Delft also contributes to a healthy and attractive research climate on European level. That is why the European Commission has awarded us the HR Excellence in Research logo. This is a hallmark of the European Union.

3. Top facilities for research, education and innovation

The TU Delft have many research labs. On campus there are various labs where new developments can be tried and tested. In the Green Village we are developing sustainable solutions for the energy transition.
All faculties have good educational facilities for lectures and practicum. It is true that the student population has grown strongly in recent years and TU Delft is adding new facilities, because we are sometimes a bit cramped.
The teaching lab is a place on campus where teachers can gather to develop and improve their education. The TU Delft has very well-equipped studios for recording educational videos.
Yes!Delft is the incubator for technology companies, which are often founded by students and scientists from the TU Delft.
4. Room for personal growth

Challenge, change, impact!

That is what we stand for at the TU Delft and to make that a reality, we need people with the necessary knowledge and skills to fulfil their roles as well as possible.
Those are reasons to motivate you to continuously develop yourself. We have various training courses for this and you will have plenty of room to attend conferences or other meetings that contribute to your knowledge or skills. You will regularly discuss your development wishes with your manager as part of the Results and Development cycle (R&D cycle). This is aimed at your guidance and development.
5. Salary and other employment conditions

When you work at the TU Delft you receive a salary in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities. That means an excellent basic salary, also for PhD candidates, and good secondary employment conditions.

Besides the salary you also receive an annual holiday payment of 8% and an end of year bonus payment of 8,3%. On a monthly basis you also receive a net pro-rated work allowance of €23,00, an internet allowance of €25,- net per month and a home-working allowance of maximum €14,- per month based on 1 f,0 fte, depending on the hours worked (pro rate).

In addition to the contributions, new employees who live more than 75 kilometres from their workplace can claim an additional allowance for their daily travel expenses during the first two years of their employment. You may also be eligible for reimbursement of removal costs if you decide to move to within 25 kilometres of TU Delft within two years.

In addition, it is possible to compile your own remuneration package on an annual basis via the Individual Options Package. You determine (part of) the benefits package yourself and you will receive a tax benefit. You participate in a pension scheme through the ‘Algemeen Burgerlijk Pensioenfonds’ (ABP), in which approximately two thirds are paid by TU Delft and one third by the employee.

A balanced work and private life

You have flexibility in organising your working hours and you have the opportunity to work part-time. You can also buy or sell annual leave hours and you are entitled to partially-paid parental leave. On campus you will find an international children's centre with childcare and an international primary school, and we actively support dual careers for international candidates.

If you are not living in the Netherlands and are considering applying to the TU Delft then take a look at the Coming to Delft Service website. Here you will read all about what it means to live and work in the Netherlands and in Delft, and how we can help you and your family.


Working as a professional at TU Delft is working at the heart of innovation. You just have to read the newspaper or open your news app to read stories about the TU Delft. Working with us therefore means working in the turbulent heart of innovation, in the midst of current affairs, with an open view of the world. Along with all your colleagues in supporting functions you make up the engine of our university. You ensure, in all kinds of ways, that our researchers, students and teachers can excel. And you will be asked to solve problems: How do you insure a rocket? How do you ensure that prospective students make good study choices? How do you build a quantum lab?
Our university services: Education & Student Administration, Library, Finance, Facility Management & IT, Communications, Legal, Human Resources, Campus Real Estate, DEMO and Strategic Development regularly need new colleagues: from IT-manager, Real Estate developer, and chef to GZ-psychologist.

PhD at the TU Delft: Become an independent researcher.
After the completion of a Master’s degree at a renowned university, you can become a PhD candidate at the TU Delft. During a four-year PhD project, you will independently conduct in-depth research within a specific research area. At the end of this period you will write a dissertation on your research which you present and defend. After successfully defending your dissertation, you are promoted to doctor (Dr. or PhD).


The concept of lifelong learning is an essential feature of today's knowledge economy. TU Delft attaches great importance to the ongoing personal and professional development of its staff.

Obtaining your PhD means you can either continue in the academic world or create your future career in industry. Either way, our Career Centre supports PhD students looking for a (first) job or next step in their academic career. Through one-on-one talks, workshops, activities and with our online tools you will be supported in finding your next opportunity.


If any of the advertised vacancies has sparked your interest, why wait? You can submit your application immediately through our website. Your application will be acknowledged and your details included in the selection procedure.

In most cases, the procedure involves a review of the CVs and letters received, whereupon a shortlist of suitable applicants is drawn up. These applicants will then be invited for one or more interviews. The successful candidate will be invited to discuss the terms and conditions of employment prior to signing a contract.

Of course, the exact procedure will depend on the nature of the position concerned. Further information can be obtained from the contact person listed alongside each vacancy.

Good luck!